Selfless Love

Old Testament: Judges 12 & 13

Poetry: Psalm 57

New Testament: 1 Corinthians 13:7

            Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

Through this week of reading through 1 Corinthians 13 Paul is giving us concrete examples of what It means to love.  He’s building this message into a kind of crescendo.  Like a great symphony or chorale masterwork, the various themes of the story build on themselves.  Here he is moving toward the peak of this love song with 4 things that love does: love bears, love believes, love hopes and love endures.  That would be a lot.  But he adds “all things.”

            I could take time and give you a detailed exegesis of what each of these words means in the original Greek and how they are used in Corinthians and throughout Paul’s writings and the Bible as a way to arrive at their precise meanings, but I’m not going to do that.  Instead, I’m going to tell you a story.

            I grew up in a loving family.  My father was a pastor and also a school teacher.  My mom was a pastor’s wife and drove a school bus and took care of our family, keeping us fed every day precisely at 6 p.m., our clothes washed and our house neat.  I felt loved and supported along with my 2 older sisters Cheryl and Debbie.  I was the baby, younger than my two older siblings by 7 and 10 years.  My parents were in their early 40’s, our family was settled and my oldest sister had already left the nest and gotten married.  I was an active boy, a happy ‘tween who played baseball and basketball and hadn’t started noticing girls yet at eleven, but life was sweet.  We went to Church every Sunday and learned about God and his love for us.

            Then the world changed.  My Mom found out that she was going to have another baby.  Surprise!   Jeff, you’re not going to be the youngest child anymore, you get to be a big brother.  I couldn’t wait, after years of being the only boy, the little brother who had to listen to his older sisters who both loved me but could also be a bit bossy.  Sometimes it felt like I had a Dad and 3 Moms telling me what to do.  Now I would have a little brother to boss around and to show how to hit a baseball and shoot a free throw.  I even had a name picked out for my little brother, Scott.  I don’t know why I picked that name, but that was the name I picked for my little brother.

            As it turned out, “Scott” was born a little girl, whom my parents named Christine Noelle (she was born right after Christmas so she got a very Christmasy-sounding name). Before I got to meet my little sister (I got over the fact that she was not my little brother Scott) my parents shared that she was a special child.  She was born with some differences in her little body that made her look different from other babies that I had known and she would not be able to do all the things that other children did in the way that they did them.  The name for my sister’s condition was called Down’s Syndrome.  I didn’t fully understand what that meant, but I was glad when my parents got to bring her home and we all loved her very much.

            For the next 50 years my Father and Mother, and after my father died my mother alone, provided love and care for Christine.  She received cutting-edge health care.  She had multiple surgeries to repair things that normally didn’t function well in children with Down’s Syndrome that would help extend her life.  She started getting therapy and schooling and grew to be a happy and loving young woman.

            I found out many years later, as an adult, that when she was born her doctor advised my parents to have her institutionalized.  He said she would never live with a good quality of life and would be a burden to them.  It would be best for them, for the family, and everyone else to let her be put away.  I am so glad that my parents did not listen to the advice of their physician but to the love of God in their hearts.

            My mother, who is now 90 has spent the last 50 years loving my sister Christine.  Christine has spent the last 50 years loving my mom.  My mom has spent 50 years bearing, believing, hoping, and enduring many trials and challenges while caring for my sister.  She has been for me, a model of what Paul talks about when he describes what true love is all about.

            At 90, my Mom has come to recognize her limits, she will not be around forever to care for Christine, but even now she is acting in love to help prepare my sister to live a good and flourishing life after my Mom is no longer here. 

            I could tell many other stories about love that I have seen and experienced in my life.

            When we love in selfless ways we bear God’s image to the world.

Pastor Jeff Fletcher

Reflection Questions

  1. Think of a person in your life who modeled a selfless love for others.  What does their life teach you about God’s love?
  2. Why does Paul connect bearing, believing, hoping and enduring all things with concrete examples of love?
  3. What is something you can do today to show selfless love for another?

Cheering for the Bad Guy?

Old Testament: Judges 10 & 11

Poetry: Psalm 56

New Testament: 1 Corinthians 13:6

            Usually, when we watch a movie we are introduced to a hero or heroic group to root for.  We want the “good guy” to win and the “bad guy” to lose.  We need to see Batman defeat the Joker or 007 to defeat the agents of SPECTRE.

            Occasionally, though, the filmmaker sneaks one by us and we find ourselves rooting for the anti-hero.  The show Breaking Bad did an outstanding job of getting us to root for Walter White who morphed from being an ordinary hard-working science teacher husband and dad to Heisenberg, the drug kingpin of the southwest who poisoned people with his methamphetamine creation.

            I recently saw someone post on Reddit that he realized later in life that the movie Top Gun had us rooting for Maverick instead of Ice Man when clearly Ice Man was the far better pilot and person. “Iceman was the only pilot that: actually obeyed the rules, was a skilled flier, never killed anybody in the entire movie and correctly identified all of Maverick’s faults.”  Yet we were all rooting for Maverick.

            To that, I will simply add that I can’t imagine why anyone would ever root for the evil New York Yankees, Dallas Cowboys, or Alabama Crimson Tide. (I’ll stop before I make some more lifelong enemies).

            The spirit of this age is constantly working to pull people away from finding joy in truth.  The Bible contains an epic story about our hero, a loving God who creates a place where everything is good and populates it with people in his divine image to care for the earth, who are opposed by those he created.  But God loves this creation so much that he will stop at nothing to find ways to rescue and restore that which is lost and broken and corrupt. 

            We are currently living amidst the ongoing battle against that which is true and right.  People are daily undermining what is good and just and loving and claiming that that which is evil and corrupt is good, and that which is good and holy is evil.

            For Paul, true love does not root for the villain or the anti-hero.  True love does not rejoice that evil is victorious.  True love finds its joy in the truth that is consistent with God and God’s love.

            Jesus predicted that before the end of this age, there would be a decrease in love.  In Matthew 24:12 Jesus says: “And because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold.”  When people reject what is true and right, when people reject the ways that God lays before us to keep a rightly ordered society, it will result in a loss of love.  Lovelessness is the natural outgrowth of lawlessness.

            Jesus said “I am the way, the truth and the life.” (John 14:6).  If you want to have true life, you have to follow the path of Jesus, the path of truth.   Paul says essentially,  you can’t find love if you reject God’s truth.  You can’t truly love God and love people if you don’t love God’s truth.

            Today, ask yourself, “Are there things in my life that I know are the opposite of God’s truth?”  If you answer “yes”, you must be willing to reorient your life to pursue God’s truth and rejoice in God’s truth to practice true love.

Pastor Jeff Fletcher

Reflection Questions

  1. Why do you think increased lawlessness results in failure to love the truth?
  2. Why is society becoming more enamored with anti-heroes who are opposed to truth?
  3. How can you grow to love truth more in your life?


Old Testament: Judges 8 & 9

Poetry: Psalm 55

New Testament: 1 Corinthians 13:5

            Happy hump day! We’re here in the middle of the work/school week.  Are you tired of hearing about love yet?  Like that TV advertising guy used to say: “But wait! There’s more.”

Sometimes, the best way to learn about what something is is to consider its opposite.

In verse 5 Paul gives three more examples of what love is NOT.:[Love] does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful;

            For the past almost 40 years, I have lived with the most beautiful, amazing, wonderful woman.  This woman has patiently served alongside me as a pastor’s wife in places far from her family and friends.  She even let me drag her halfway across the world to England to start a church with a toddler in tow and she was “great with child” as in, about to pop. She has been a great wife to me and a mom to our 11 children.

            I love her more than anything on the planet and her name is Karen.  Sadly, the name Karen has, in recent years come to be associated with a certain kind of middle-aged woman who is, shall we say a bit entitled, difficult to please, and hard to get along with.  The woman who “asks to speak to the manager” is referred to as a “Karen”.  I like to tell people “My wife is named Karen but she is not a Karen.”

            Why do “Karens” cause endless eye rolls?  Because they are very insistent on getting their way, they tend to be easily irritated by normal human flaws and frustrating situations,  and they carry resentment towards those who upset them, they are not quick to forgive and give people a second chance.

            If the Apostle Paul was writing to today’s Christians he could simply say “Don’t be a Karen” and would easily get his point across.  Instead, Paul might say be an Annabelle, which means “loving” or for a male be an Amadeus, which means “love of God.” (Although for many Annabelle was ruined by the horror movie franchise bearing that name.  For older people like me the name Amadeus was ruined by the movie about Mozart- a talented musician and horrible person).

            Instead of being a Karen who insists on having her way, be an Annabelle who, as Paul says in Philippians 2:3 learns to “value others above yourselves.”  Instead of being a Karen who is irritable or easily angered be an Amadeus who is “slow to speak and slow to anger.” (James 1:19). Instead of being a Karen who is resentful, be a person who practices forgiving “70 times 7” as Jesus taught. (Matthew 18:22).

            By now you might be wondering, does Paul want me to become like, a whole different person by doing all these practical, loving things?  Paul wants us to allow the one perfectly loving person, Jesus, to radically take over our lives.  To be so full of God’s spirit and love that “to live is Christ.”

Pastor Jeff Fletcher

Reflection Questions

  1.  Can you think of a time when you were around a “Karen”?  How did that make you feel?
  2. Can you think of a time when you acted like a “Karen”? How do you think it impacted others?
  3. What are concrete ways that you can show love by valuing others above yourself?

True Love

Old Testament: Judges 6-7

Poetry: Psalm 54

New Testament: 1 Corinthians 13:4

            Hello, Happy Tuesday!

            Yesterday we saw that Paul is not interested in talking about love as an abstract concept. Abstract love is worthless.  True love is only proven to be of value by concrete actions. In today’s reading, 1 Corinthians 13:4 Paul starts giving concrete examples.

                  Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude.

            We could pick out any one of those examples and do a deep dive into what patience looks like versus impatience or what kindness looks like versus cruelty.  But I think we could place them under one major subheading.  If love is the main theme of this chapter, the subheading over these 6 things is humility.  Humble people will tend to be more patient.  Think about it.  If I think I’m better or more important than the other person, I’m going to demand that my needs take priority and so I’m going to be impatient with the server in a restaurant, or the cashier at checkout, or the secretary at the doctor’s office.  Impatient people tend to think that their time is more valuable than anyone else’s so their needs should be met now.  And of course, if they are impatiently placing demands on other people they are not likely to be expressing them with kindness.  Patience and kindness are concrete examples of love in the form of humility. 

            The other four examples Paul gives, envy, boasting, arrogance, and rudeness are all the antithesis of humility.  They are all driven by pride.  “Why should my coworker get the promotion, she doesn’t deserve it.  I’m a far better employee than she is and I have several examples I’d like to give you about why I’m much better than she is.”

            I read a story earlier this week about a famous basketball player.  The NBA gives out individual accolades to players and they announced the top three finalists for defensive player of the year.  The reporter asked this player how he felt about not being one of the finalists for that award.  He proceeded to rant about how “The NBA just doesn’t like me.  I deserve that award more than any of them, I’m the best defensive player in the league.”  When I read his response I felt disgusted about his arrogance put on such vulgar display with his rude and demeaning words about literally everyone in the league. But this is how things are in the world.  We’ve come to reward boastful, rude, and arrogant people.

            Narcissism is no longer considered a character flaw but makes one a popular candidate seeking high political office. Have you seen how rude certain candidates are as they call others rude names like children on a playground?  Humility is seen by many in the world’s eyes as weakness.  But not in God’s eyes. James 4:6 says “God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.”

            Jesus taught the importance of humility so clearly when he said “Blessed are the meek (humble) for they shall inherit the earth.” Matthew 5:5

            He told a very vivid story comparing and contrasting a proud person and a humble person in Luke 18:9-14:  He also told this parable to some who trusted in themselves that they were righteous, and treated others with contempt:   “Two men went up into the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector.   The Pharisee, standing by himself, prayed thus: ‘God, I thank you that I am not like other men, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even like this tax collector.   I fast twice a week; I give tithes of all that I get.’   But the tax collector, standing far off, would not even lift up his eyes to heaven, but beat his breast, saying, ‘God, be merciful to me, a sinner!’   I tell you, this man went down to his house justified, rather than the other. For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but the one who humbles himself will be exalted.”

            The world rewards the proud and arrogant boasters who brag about how great they are.  True love is evidenced by the humble who don’t think too much of themselves but rather show patience and kindness to others.  As the character Forrest Gump said: “I’m not a smart man, but I know what love is.”

Pastor Jeff Fletcher

Reflection Questions

  1. Can you think of someone who you would describe as humble?  What behaviors make you think of them as humble?
  2. Why does our culture seem to reward arrogance in places like sports or politics?
  3. CS Lewis said that “Humility is not thinking less of yourself but of thinking of yourself less.”   How can thinking of yourself less help you to love others more?

Concrete Love

Old Testament: Judges 4 & 5

Poetry: Psalm 53

New Testament: 1 Corinthians 13:1-3

For the rest of this week, we are going to be looking each day at small sections of one chapter in the Bible- 1 Corinthians 13. When I was a kid I was taught that 1 Corinthians 15 is the Resurrection chapter, Hebrews 11 is the Hope chapter, and 1 Corinthians 13 is the Love chapter.  If you’ve ever been to a wedding ceremony there is a good chance that you’ve heard all or at least a portion of this read as part of the ceremony.  Today we will look at verses 1-3:

            If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. And if I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. If I give away all I have, and if I deliver up my body to be burned, but have not love, I gain nothing.

            This is such a timely reading for me to consider.  For the past 3 years, I’ve been working toward receiving my Doctorate of Ministry from Vanderbilt Divinity School in Nashville.  It’s been a lot of hard work.  For my project I read hundreds of articles and books, conducted interviews, presented ideas to colleagues, tested ideas on various groups, and wrote, edited, re-wrote, and re-edited until I had a project to present to my committee.  Then after my committee read it, we met and I had to defend my project thesis orally.  Finally, on April 9 I passed.  On May 10 I’ll graduate and receive my official title D.Min, Doctor of Ministry in Integrative Mental Health Chaplaincy.  The afternoon I passed my wife Karen said “Hello, Dr. Fletcher.”  I said, “That’s the only time you’re ever going to call me that, right?”  She said, “Absolutely, I hope you enjoyed it.” 

            So, I’ve been feeling relieved, accomplished, grateful, and good about having achieved this milestone in my academic and professional career. 

            But God had a lot more to teach me.  And Brother Paul put his finger on it.  In 1 Corinthians 13:1-3 Paul is saying a lifetime of accomplishments, being a gifted speaker, full of knowledge, or being spiritually gifted with miraculous powers, in the absence of concrete acts of love, is just a bunch of noise.  You can get all the degrees and accolades and knowledge, but if you don’t put love into practice, it’s a bunch of noise and worthless.

            It reminds me of a story I once heard: There was a child psychologist who was famous and had written many best-selling books on parenting and how to raise children.  Recently, he had spent many hours constructing a new driveway at his home. Just after he smoothed the surface of the freshly poured concrete, his neighbors’ small children chased a ball across the driveway, leaving deep footprints. The man yelled after them with a torrent of angry words. His shocked neighbor heard these words and said to him, “You’re a psychologist who’s supposed to love children.” The fuming man shouted, “I love children in the abstract, not in the concrete!”

            Paul is saying in I Corinthians 13:1-3 that love in the abstract is worthless.

            A few days later, God showed me what love in the concrete looks like. I shared the following story on my Facebook page recently.  It resonated with a lot of people because it’s been shared hundreds of times and I’ve heard more responses to it than anything else I’ve ever posted on social media.  It illustrates to me what Love in the Concrete looks like:

I met Jesus yesterday.  Face to face.

He’s a cashier at a grocery store in Front Royal, Virginia.

I was on my way home from work after a busy Monday visiting sick patients at the hospital, supporting families as their loved ones face the end of life, helping people struggling with addiction and staff cope with the challenges of being full-time caregivers. I’m a chaplain and a pastor, that’s what I do all day. It’s what I’ve trained to do, studied, practiced. 

But then, yesterday, out of the blue, with no warning I met Jesus working the register at a grocery store.

First, I saw him patiently help the customer ahead of me.  The one who only had 3 items in her cart, was very confused trying to figure out how much she could spend because she needed to have enough left over.  He was gentle and patient with her.  He couldn’t be more than his late teens, maybe early 20s, but he was attentive and caring.  No eye rolls or looks of frustration, just caring for this confused and frustrated woman. (I was the one who was frustrated at how long it was taking).

Then it was finally my turn to check out.  He was a thin young man, wearing a cross made of horseshoe nails and wire.  He smiled and asked gently, “May I pray for you?”

That was unexpected and caught me completely off guard.  I said, “Yes, please.”   I was so moved that this young man would take the time to notice me and ask if he could pray for me.  This was more than a transactional relationship for him.  He was there to do more than simply earn his paycheck and go home.  He saw me as more than an object, a thing to help pay his bills, he saw me as a person, a human being made in the image of God, who has a life outside of this 5-minute transaction and has needs that can be helped by God’s intervention.  I was deeply moved. 

But he wasn’t finished.

“What would you like me to pray for?”  What should I say?  How specific should I be?  Should I say, “I’m currently under treatment for 2 types of advanced cancer and trying my best to keep going?”  Should I tell him about my concerns about family members that I love, my desire to help my Church grow, and all the needs of the people I visit and staff I serve in the hospital? 

There wasn’t time to go into all of that, so I simply said “My health.”

He stopped and said, “So you are having health problems.  I’ll pray for that.”

By then the tears were starting to well up in me and I hurriedly helped him bag my groceries so I could get out of there before I started ugly crying in the grocery store check-out line.

But he wasn’t done yet.

“What’s your name?”   That about finished me off.  He wasn’t just making conversation or using spiritual cliches like “I’ll pray for you” as well-intentioned people often do, but sometimes forget to actually do.  I knew that he really meant it.  He was and is praying for me, Jeff, who has health needs.  And based on what I saw, he’s already pretty close to God.  So I have a feeling God will listen attentively to his prayers.

As I sat in my car afterward waiting for the tears to subside, I had the overwhelming sense that I had just spent time with Jesus.

I met Jesus yesterday.

He works as a cashier at a grocery store in Front Royal, Virginia.

Since I shared this on Facebook I’ve had dozens of people who live locally write to me or tell me in the hospital that this same young man has left others equally in tears when he prayed for them and they, too, equally felt touched by Jesus.

This young man probably doesn’t have a doctorate in spiritual care, but you don’t need one of those to show people concrete love in the name of Jesus.  Go and be Jesus wherever you are today.

Pastor Jeff Fletcher

Reflection Questions

  1. Name a time when you were surprised by God’s love revealed to you in unexpected places.
  2. How would you describe the difference between abstract love and concrete love?
  3. The young man showed Jesus’ love while checking people out at the grocery store. Where can you show the love of Jesus today?

A Team Effort

Old Testament: Judges 1-3

Poetry: Psalm 52

New Testament: 1 Corinthians 12

            I love baseball. (If you don’t, don’t leave just yet, please). Baseball is a team sport.  This was put on display for me recently.  I was watching a Washington Nationals game this weekend and the commentators brought in a retired pitcher who used to play for the Nationals in their 2019 World Series winning season.  During the playoffs that year, Anibal Sanchez came very close to pitching a no-hitter.  It was broken up in the 8th inning by a Cardinals batter.  When asked about it Sanchez said he wouldn’t have come close to having a no-hitter without his teammates making great plays.  He said no pitcher should ever get sole credit for a no-hitter.  It’s impossible without your teammates making plays.   Sanchez wasn’t just being humble, he was 100% right.  It takes a catcher to catch the pitch, fielders to make plays and throw the ball to first, outfielders to run and catch fly balls.  Without good teammates, you can’t pitch a no-hitter.  When a no-hitter does happen, or even rarer a perfect game, the pitcher gets the accolades and they stick a microphone in his face after the game, but it was a team effort.

            The same is true for the Church.  That’s what Paul was trying to get at in 1 Corinthians 12.  There are a few people that are “up front” during a worship service.  The worship leader, the soloist, the scripture reader, and the pastor all have visible roles and they are important.  But they aren’t the only important people.  Many important people are working behind the scenes in nearly invisible ways.  The person running the sound system is important.  The pianist, guitar player, and other musicians are important.  The person who makes the coffee before Sunday School is important.  The people who set up tables for Church dinners are important.  The people who teach children’s church are important.  The people who clean the bathrooms, take out the trash, and vacuum the floors are important.  The people who buy toilet paper are important, very important.  If those people don’t do their jobs what have you got?  A mess.  Also important are the people who type the bulletin and change the slides with the worship song lyrics, and the people who make sure that the heat is turned on or the a/c is turned on.  All of these people are important.  So are the people who faithfully place their financial contributions in the offering, and the people who count and collect those offerings, and the people who write checks so that the pastor can feed their family and the lights stay on.  Even in smaller churches, it takes a lot of people to share their gifts and talents.

            Apparently, in the Church at Corinth, there was a lot of jealousy and rivalry going on between Christians.  It was causing division in the Church.  The Apostle Paul wrote this letter to correct some of those problems.  He wanted them to understand that Churches need to maintain unity to be healthy and carry out the mission that God has given us to do.  Everyone in the church is not gifted in the same way.  Some people love to be up front serving in visible ways.  Some people are not gifted to speak or lead worship, but they have other gifts.  I have a special needs sister, Christine, who wants to help and has claimed her gifts by handing out the church bulletins.  She grabs a stack and goes to each person in Sunday School and gives them a bulletin.  She wants to help by sharing her gifts.  She also loves to sing very loudly in worship and her exuberance is infectious.  (And she likes to say “amen” when her brother the preacher says that he’s winding up the sermon).

            Read through all of the Apostle Paul’s letters in the New Testament and see how much Paul depended on others to help him carry out his ministry.  Often when he wrote letters to encourage and teach Churches he was in jail for preaching the Gospel of Jesus, which was a threat to both the religious leaders and the Roman Empire.  Paul depended on people to take the letters he wrote from prison and deliver them to the Churches.  He also depended on people to bring him food, an extra blanket, his books and letters, and medicine.  He had poor eyesight so he depended on a secretary to write down his words. He also longed for fellowship with other followers of Jesus.  Paul was the face of much of the teaching and spread of the Church in the first century, but it took a team to support him.

            What are some ways that you are serving in your Church?  You can’t start too early.  Our church has a 7-year-old help take up the offering some Sundays. As you read through 1 Corinthians 12, try not to get too bogged down thinking about the theological issues that continue to divide Christians today (are the spiritual gifts Paul mentions for now or did they stop after the first century?)  It’s amazing how this chapter that Paul wrote to help a church not be divided has caused many Christians to disagree and divide.  If God decides to give you the gift of miracles or healing, who am I to tell you that God did away with those gifts 1900 years ago?  (if you do have the gifts of miracle or healing, please come visit me, I could use it.)

            Remember, there is no “ I” in “Team”.  And there is no I in Church.  It’s all about how we use the gifts God has given each of us to serve.

Pastor Jeff Fletcher

Reflection Questions

  1.  What similarities do you see between sports teams or work teams and the team work needed to carry out the work of Jesus and the Church?
  2. Are you currently using any of your gifts to help carry out the mission of the Church?
  3. Are you willing to test your gifts and potentially experience some failures and disappointments as you seek to carry out the mission of Jesus Christ and the Church?  What will you try and risk next?

Be Careful

Old Testament: Joshua 23 & 24

Poetry: Psalm 51

New Testament: 1 Corinthians 11

Today’s Old Testament reading of Joshua 23 and 24 provides such good closure and an excellent way to wrap up the week. A farewell address from a man who had helped lead the Israelites into the promised land, and reminiscent of some of the things Moses said at the end of his life to the same people.

As I read Joshua 23 a phrase jumped out at me that was used several times. “Be careful!” As a mother, an occasional babysitter, a friend, neighbor, wife, and occupational therapist, this phrase is……one I try to avoid. Well, unless used more like Joshua. We’ve all said it, and chances are if we’ve survived this far, we’ve all had it said to us. It pops out before we even have the chance to think sometimes. What else would you say when seeing someone……dangling from the top of the climbing rainbow at Camp Mack, driving back to college, hiking with middle-aged directionally-challenged individuals in the Upper Peninsula, climbing up the bookcase while drinking from a bottle, using a walker to get around while trying to carry a cat, or pretty much any of the very exciting choices made by my “sensory seekers” at work.

The thing is, the phrase “be careful” is super abstract and subjective, and it just has very little meaning in most cases if left hanging in the air as it often is before…..kaboom/crash/oops. Given it is often said to children with little to no abstract reasoning capabilities, or in the case of many of my friends of all ages who come to see me at work, those who may not be emotionally or cognitively able to process that abstract language at the time… is far more useful with something concrete attached. You won’t hear it much where I work, though I assure you we witness many choices which are the opposite of careful. Instead, you will hear things like….“keep both hands on the monkey bars”, “push up from the chair first, then place your hand on the walker”, or a fun conversation I got to have recently, “Do you think that was too rough, too light, or just right?”…… “I agree. Bikes are for riding. The balls are for throwing.”

It seems as Joshua was saying farewell, he wanted the Israelites alerted to potential concerns, but he left them with excellent concrete directions. In verse 6 they are told to be careful, but at the same time instructed to know and obey the Book of the Law of Moses, to not associate with pagan nations, and to “hold fast” to the LORD.  In verse 11 they are cautioned again to “be careful”, and instructed to love the LORD, to avoid intermarrying with pagan nations, throw away pagan gods, and serve the LORD alone.  One would think the Israelites must have known a bit themselves by now that they kind of struggled with these things historically, and they were certainly still in reach of potential corruption and distraction.  Joshua’s farewell address to them is a beautiful balance of cautious reminders and powerful directives laying out the choice they were given.  Joshua chose for himself as stated in verse 15, and the people answered with their choice that day in verse 18….again in 21….and again in 24. We have the same choice, and we are blessed to have such tremendous access to the Bible for the concrete foundation on which to establish our worldview. We also have so many resources, commentaries, and Christians surrounding us with the freedom to seek clarity for the things we don’t understand or might need help getting tightened up from abstract to concrete.

So many rights could be wronged, if we all did what the Israelites said they would do….

“And the people said to Joshua, “We will serve the Lord our God and obey him.”

(Joshua 23: 24)

-Jennifer Hall


If you tend toward being a “nervous Nellie” sort, or perhaps are just struggling with worry and being careful today, how could you redirect some of your attention to what you should be doing and who you should be trusting and serving?

If you might benefit from a few more cautious reminders in life or perhaps have some contamination from the world to throw away today, what can you extract from Joshua to apply to your life and mind?

What can you do right now to serve and obey the LORD?





In the Seek Grow Love reading plan, we are given the opportunity to connect with the Old and New Testament each day, and one pro of reading the Bible this way is the opportunity to see connections and  evidence of a sovereign God directing things, weaving things together from beginning to end. It is especially nice for me when the New Testament authors clearly state the connections like we run across today in 1 Corinthians 10. Immediately following a paragraph of Old Testament events from over 1000 years before, we then see several verses connecting the past to the present. Verse 11 makes it very clear that the events of the Old Testament were expected to be studied and known by Christians under the new covenant and had a benefit for their learning:

“These things happened to them as examples and were written down as warnings for us, on whom the culmination of the ages has come. So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall! No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. . .” (1 Corinthians 10:11-13)

In this case, it appears the “things that happened” referenced in this verse include the Israelites crossing the Red Sea, being under a cloud, God being displeased with them in the wilderness, eating manna, getting water from a rock, etc.  If we have read the Old Testament stories, these things are familiar to us, but we see in 1 Corinthians that some of the connections referenced are symbolic and a foreshadowing of what is to come when the Messiah comes on the scene, not necessarily the exact same events repeated. For example, the Israelites were not literally baptized in the Red Sea and a cloud. We are told they crossed on dry ground, they were set apart and led by God, and we can certainly identify how that connects to what Jesus brings us in salvation and protection for believers.  The same idea is evident in verse 4 where we are told they drank from a rock and that rock was Christ. They did not literally drink from Jesus, nor was a rock following them around in the wilderness. While Jesus existed in the plan and complete foreknowledge of God at that time, the Messiah was not even born yet, and I feel the need to emphasize this after seeing some very confusing commentaries out there on this passage. It appears that Paul is using a familiar story from the Old Testament as a teaching metaphor comparing what was achieved through the Messiah to the provision and salvation God gave the Israelites. For a lovely chat on this subject, I highly recommend 21st Century Reformation’s video commentary below:

1st Corinthians – 21st Century Reformation (

I find this to be a good reminder that God has had a plan for all time and His ways are better than ours. I also find comfort that just like the Israelites did reach the promised land, we also have promises yet to be fulfilled for a place even better than Canaan when Jesus comes back as king.

-Jennifer Hall


  1. How does it make you feel to know that God has had a plan of salvation for you since the very beginning?
  2. What other examples of foreshadowing can you think of from the Bible?
  3. Since Paul tells us the Israelites were examples for those generations which came later, and warns us not to be cocky in thinking we are standing firm, what can we do to help us not fall?


Old Testament: Joshua 19 & 20

Poetry: Psalm 51

New Testament: 1 Corinthians 9

In today’s reading in Joshua we see the establishment of cities of refuge for those needing a safe place to dwell, whether Israelite or soujorner. The Israelites had been instructed to sanctify these cities, consecrating them and declaring them cities of refuge for the innocent. I am always impressed in the attention to detail and proactive instructions for so many scenarios when I read through the Old Testament law.  For example, in this chapter we have very concrete directions for what to do for those who “accidentally kill someone.” It is clear God had a detailed plan, and the instructions He gives us are not flippant or derived from the latest child-rearing or leadership self-help book. They are put in place by a holy, sovereign Father who knows all and wants the best for His children.

The Matthew Henry Commentary points out the Hebrew meaning of the names of these cities of refuge we read about in Joshua 20 and some potential correlation to the place of refuge we as Christians find in Jesus.

Kedesh:           holy

Shechem:        shoulder (e.g. the government is upon his shoulder)

Hebron:           fellowship

Bezer:              fortification

Ramoth:          high or exalted

Golan:             joy or exultation

In the same way God planned for safe dwelling places in the time of Joshua, He planned the same for us in the gift of His son who came to preach the gospel of the coming kingdom and died and was resurrected as a sacrifice for us. Not just for those who “accidentally” did something wrong, but for us who have done wrong knowingly. Time and time again. For those like David who plotted a murder, committed adultery, and whose words we read again today in Psalm 51. David seemed to live much of his life seeking safe dwelling places, but he ultimately claimed his safety in God as his refuge. In fact, if you scan the Bible for uses of God as a refuge, you’ll definitely find yourself in Psalms! Like David, we won’t find safe dwelling places regarding what matters to God in the caves, suburbs, America, or by stockpiling weapons and descending into underground bunkers. We find our safe dwelling place in God through Christ.  Hebrews 7:23-25 states this very nicely:

            “Now there have been many of those priests, since death prevented them from continuing in office; but because Jesus lives forever, he has a permanent priesthood. Therefore he is able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them.”

With current events exploding with more and more people living in such turmoil from the Middle East to every corner of the globe it seems, safe dwelling places are not things to take for granted. If we are a follower of Christ, we have been reconciled to God finding immediate safety today as well as the most beautiful hope in the coming kingdom and eternal life with Jesus. Only then will true refuge be found.

            “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging.” – Psalm 46:1-3

-Jennifer Hall


  1. Are there things in the world you seek or believe to be sources of refuge outside of God and His sources of refuge?
  2. What encouragement can you find in today’s reading or God’s word regarding His promises to be our source of refuge?
  3. What do you look forward to in God’s coming kingdom where we will have perfect safety and an eternal dwelling place?


Old Testament: Joshua 17 & 18

Poetry: Psalm 51

New Testament: 1 Corinthians 8

            It is obvious from reading the Old Testament and our reading in Joshua today that God talks about land as inheritance. A safe place for his people to dwell on the earth. Interestingly, He isn’t concerned about its financial value or acreage, interest, shiny jewel heirlooms, and all the rest that this world can throw at us as a concept of an inheritance.  In Joshua, after decades of Israelites wandering and fighting, a generation dying, and all the excitement of the years since they left Egypt, we finally see them coming into their land, getting particular boundaries and instructions tribe by tribe. A promise fulfilled. But, wait. . . who had been promised the land? Who is missing in action in these chapters?

            Well, one fellow comes to mind, and that is Abraham! I found myself wondering how many years had even passed since Abraham had been promised an inheritance of land figuring it had been “a while”. Umm…..a little history research clued me into the fact that it had been more than just “a while”. . . it had been more like 700 years!  In Joshua 17-18, Israelites are receiving their inheritance that had been promised 700 years before. As we await Jesus’s return, and our inheritance, it is encouraging to remember. . . God DOES fulfill His promises in His time, in His sovereign design.  

            In the article “The Land Promise to Abraham and His Descendants” written by Anthony Buzzard and used with permission here, I loved to see how the idea of “land” was referenced as part of an entire plot of the Bible. Centuries more have passed since Joshua entered the promised land, and the Israelites certainly did not stay on the straight and narrow or even keep possession of the land, but the promise of land to Abraham was never broken because it was more than an area of particular ravines, slopes, and springs we see in these chapters. I’d recommend the full article found at to anyone and have included a few highlights to reflect on here:

“The entire biblical drama hangs on this remarkable tension: Abraham and his seed have never yet inherited the land/earth. In fact Stephen in the sermon which cost him his life (Acts 7, the longest chapter in that book) explicitly says that Abraham did not inherit as much as a square foot of the promised land! But “God promised it to him and his descendants”

“The fascinating fact is that Abraham has until this day not received a square foot of his inheritance. Acts 7:5 is a marvelous “John 3:16” verse! The point to be gained is that Abraham and all the faithful who are now dead, sleeping the sleep of death (Ps. 13:3), must at the future return of Jesus rise from the sleep of death (1 Cor. 15:23) to receive their promised inheritance.”

“There is coming a brand new world order on earth, to be inaugurated at the return of Jesus, and we are urged by the Gospel, the one Gospel about the Kingdom (Mark 1:14-15), to prepare with all urgency for that coming event.”

And who else will inherit the land God has promised? Thankfully that answer is woven through scripture and can include us. “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.” (Matthew 5:5)

-Jennifer Hall


  1. What do you like best about the idea that you can be an heir to the promised land?
  2. What encouragement do you find here in Joshua 17-18 seeing God fulfill promises in His time?
  3. How does the Biblical idea of receiving a perfect promised land after Jesus returns and the dead are resurrected contrast with some common beliefs of what happens after we die?